Alice in Wonderland, Chapter XI – Who stole the Tarts?

Who stole the Tarts?
(Lewis Carroll)

The courthouse

In the center of the courthouse are the King (who is also the judge) and the Queen of Hearts on the throne, surrounded by a large crowd of animals of all species. In the stumps is the Knave of Hearts and, next to the King, the White Rabbit. To the side, the jury’s bench with 12 jurors busy in writing their names on a little blackboard, frightened of forgetting them. It is the turn of the White Rabbit as herald to play the trumpet to indicate the beginning of the trial and to read the accusation (a well-known adapted nursery rhyme): The Queen of Hearts made some tarts / On a summer’s day: / The Knave of Hearts stole those tarts / And took them away!
The first witness is summoned, the Mad Hatter, who can barely say he was having tea, when he is asked many questions and threats that confuse him. Famous is the squabble over his hat: “Take off your hat” says the King, “It’s not mine” replies the Hatter, “Stolen!” exclaims the King, “I keep them to sell” adds the Hatter “I don’t have any of my own. I’m a hatter” (and hence the Hatter is usually depicted with the price sign on his hat). The King, at the end of his useless deposition, lets him out. Alice observes and tries to understand the mechanisms of a trial. It is the turn of the Duchess’ cook who is asked what the tarts are made of: “mostly of pepper” she replies, while the Dormouse behind her adds “of molasses” and is immediately silenced by the threat of having his head cut off. After a big confusion and the escape of the Dormouse, here is the name of the next witness: Alice.

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